Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Not A New Years Resolution

Every year I make many New Year's Resolutions and never keep them.  I actually only last a few days at the most.  I was thinking of making some resolutions for 2015 but have decided I may as well not.  It would just be another good reason to bash myself when I inevitably fail.

But I do want to change.  I do want what I've always wanted: sobriety, self-discipline, self love, to eat wholesome foods, to drink lots of water, to move my body daily, to take time for spirituality, to get outdoors daily, etc., etc.

How do I manage to make these changes for once and for all?  With Christmas season as my current excuse, I have not gone to yoga class lately, stopped swimming altogether and my rebounder is lounging on the back porch collecting snow.  I've had a few alcoholic drinks, am eating cookies and deep fried delectable foods, dehydrating myself regularly and not taking a moment to sit still, let alone meditate. I've got no where to go but up.

On the bright side, my neighbor and friend across the street and I have committed an after Christmas plan to meet at 6:00 a.m. daily and spend time together reading from a spiritual book, discussing it and meditating together.  Since we've promised each other we'd do this, I know it will happen.  Because she will be recovering from a knee replacement operation, she can't come to my house so we'll meet at her place and do our thing alongside her, lovely indoor pool.  When she is well enough to come to my home, we'll use my lovely solarium.  Both situations are ideal and condusive to a continued practice.

I could use this daily meeting to jump start my series of positive changes, I'll be very happy then.

What if I rebounded for a few minutes, then showered before heading over there?  What if I came home at 7:00 a.m. every morning and made a smoothie or oatmeal?  That might lead to making better, healthier decisions throughout the day.

You never know.


  1. I never made any new year resolutions... well until now. I do want to change: I want to remove alcohol from my life, I want to run 10K and I want to be self-disciplined. In fact I want everything that you listed above. I am not sure where I end up but I did open a blog to track my commitment to alcohol free living. Sounds like a total cliche... but I don't care. I am doing it for myself first and foremost.

  2. Reminds me of Oprah and the Law of Attraction. Put it out there in your mind, and it will happen! Happy 2015

  3. Talk about forward thinking. At least now, you'll know where to begin, far as self-improvement for the next year is concerned. That should be a recurring commitment that you should keep on pressing on. Kudos to you and all the best!

    Donnie Benson @ Midwest Institute for Addiction

  4. The scheduled meeting with your friend sounds like an awesome way to kickstart where you want to be..and you will get to where you want to be...I know you can!!! Best to you!

  5. You really don't need to make a New Year's resolution just to make things happen. All you need is the will and encouragement to do it. Advance thinking is always a good thing. I'm glad that sobriety, self-discipline and loving yourself are the major things that you are looking forward to achieve. It seems that you are well on your way, and I salute you for that. Thanks for sharing that, Deb! All the best to you!

    Johnnie Smith @ Ranch Creek Recovery
