Friday, 13 February 2015

Just One Thing ..

During our meditation this morning, my partner got a message for me.  Simply put , the message was "Just one thing".  Although it might seem a little general, I totally understand the message.

In my life time when I've wanted to change my lifestyle, I typically make a list of all the changes I want to make and set up a chart planning to tick the items off my list as I do them.  In one day I may have between four and ten items to tick off.  Usually within a day or two I've given up my plan.

When I gave up drinking, the only successes I've had have been when I've allowed myself all other pleasures and activities; just concentrating on not drinking.

My meditation practice has been a 44 day success.  I believe that one of the reasons for this is that it is all I expect of myself right now.  The non-drinking is a 'given' (for today) and my only daily commitment is the morning sessions.

Rather than try to fit every conceivable lifestyle change into a condensed period of time, I believe that, for me, one little thing at a time works far better.  For a person with my 'immediate gratification' issues, this has been a struggle and one that I've been challenged to adhere to.

It is so tempting to immediately commit to daily smoothies, drinking a ton of water, flossing my teeth, half hour of exercise and all the other healthy practices.

I have to STOP and go over my progress.  I've been 33 days A/F and have 44 meditating days under my belt.  Maybe at day 55 I will consider adding another practice.  Until then, I will continue to bask in the small successes I am having.

Just One Thing... it's the way to go for me, at any rate.

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